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Fetch account balances



This endpoint allows you to fetch the balances for a certain account. It is the implementation of the /account/balance endpoint of the Rosetta API standard.



curl --location ''  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"network_identifier": {
"blockchain":"Internet Computer",
"account_identifier": {
"address": "8b84c3a3529d02a9decb5b1a27e7c8d886e17e07ea0a538269697ef09c2a27b4"

The response will give you the balance of the AccountIdentifier at the most recent block.

"block_identifier": {
"index": 9890652,
"hash": "30217e980397e9a8e14793563511e2d3191aa2df6d623866fa71f967e2ce3f08"
"balances": [
"value": "62841206500025",
"currency": {
"symbol": "ICP",
"decimals": 8

If you want to know the balance of a staked neuron, you can specify the account type. You need to make sure the account_identifier you specify corresponds to the ledger address of a neuron. Set account_type to neuron in the request metadata to tell the Rosetta node that you want to get the account for staking. The neuron_index parameter is an arbitrary 64-bit unsigned integer that the caller chooses to identify the neuron. A single user can control multiple neurons and differentiate them by specifying different values of neuron_index. neuron_index is optional and is equal to 0 by default.

curl --location ''  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"network_identifier": {
"blockchain":"Internet Computer",
"account_identifier": {
"address": "a4ac33c6a25a102756e3aac64fe9d3267dbef25392d031cfb3d2185dba93b4c4"
"metadata": {
"account_type": "neuron",
"neuron_index": 0,
"public_key": {
"hex_bytes": "ba5242d02642aede88a5f9fe82482a9fd0b6dc25f38c729253116c6865384a9d",
"curve_type": "edwards25519"