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Memory diagnostics

Low memory hook

The IC allows to implement a low memory hook, which is a warning trigger when main memory is becoming scarce.

For this purpose, a Motoko actor or actor class instance can implement the system function lowmemory(). This system function is scheduled when canister's free main memory space has fallen below the defined threshold wasm_memory_threshold, that is is part of the canister settings. In Motoko, lowmemory() implements the canister_on_low_wasm_memory hook defined in the IC specification.

Example of using the low memory hook:

actor {
system func lowmemory() : async* () {
Debug.print("Low memory!");

The following properties apply to the low memory hook:

  • The execution of lowmemory happens with a certain delay, as it is scheduled as a separate asynchronous message that runs after the message in which the threshold was crossed.
  • Once executed, lowmemory is only triggered again when the main memory free space first exceeds and then falls below the threshold.
  • Traps or unhandled errors in lowmemory are ignored. Traps only revert the changes done in lowmemory.
  • Due to its async* return type, the lowmemory function may send further messages and await results.