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Objects and classes

In Motoko, an object is just a collection of named fields, holding values. These values can either be plain data, or function values. In addition, each field can be mutable or immutable.

A simple object containing just fields of data is like a record in a database. When the fields are immutable and have shared types, the object itself is shareable and can be sent and received from shared functions.

When fields contain function values, Motoko objects can represent traditional objects with methods, familiar from object-oriented programming (OOP). From an OOP perspective, an object is an abstraction, defined by the behavior of its methods. Methods are typically used to modify or observe some encapsulated (i.e. hidden) state of an object. Motoko programs benefit from the ability to encapsulate state as objects with abstract types. The mutable state introduces declarations of mutable state in the form of var-declared variables. Using such declarations privately in its body, an object can encapsulate the state, declaring public methods that access and update it.

By design, objects with mutable fields or methods cannot be sent to remote actors. If that were allowed, a receiver would either have to receive a remote reference to the local object, breaking the isolation of the actor model by allowing remote updates to local state. Or, the receiver would have to receive a copy of the local object. Then, the effect of any changes to the copy would not be reflected in the original, leading to confusion.

To compensate for this necessary limitation, actor objects are shareable, but always execute remotely. They communicate with shareable Motoko data only. Local objects interact in less restricted ways with themselves, and can pass any Motoko data to each other’s methods, including other objects. In most other ways, local objects and classes are non-shareable counterparts to actor objects and classes.


The following example illustrates a general evolution path for Motoko programs. Each object has the potential to be refactored into a service by refactoring the local object into an actor object.

Consider the following object declaration of the object value counter:

object counter {
var count = 0;
public func inc() { count += 1 };
public func read() : Nat { count };
public func bump() : Nat {

This declaration introduces a single object instance named counter. The developer exposes three public functions inc, read and bump using keyword public to declare each in the object body. The body of the object, like a block expression, consists of a list of declarations.

In addition to these three functions, the object has one private mutable variable count, which holds the current count and is initially zero.

Object types

This object counter has the following object type, written as a list of field-type pairs, enclosed in braces { and }:

inc : () -> () ;
read : () -> Nat ;
bump : () -> Nat ;

Each field type consists of an identifier, a colon :, and a type for the field content. Here, each field is a function, and thus has an arrow type form (_ -> _).

In the declaration of object, the variable count was explicitly declared neither as public nor as private.

By default, all declarations in an object block are private. Consequently, the type for count does not appear in the type of the object. Its name and presence are both inaccessible from the outside.

By not exposing this implementation detail, the object has a more general type with fewer fields, and as a result, is interchangeable with objects that have the same interface but a different implementation.

To illustrate the point just above, consider this variation of the counter declaration above, of byteCounter:

import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
object byteCounter {
var count : Nat8 = 0;
public func inc() { count += 1 };
public func read() : Nat { Nat8.toNat(count) };
public func bump() : Nat { inc(); read() };

This object has the same type as the previous one, and thus from the standpoint of type checking, this object is interchangeable with the prior one:

inc : () -> () ;
read : () -> Nat ;
bump : () -> Nat ;

This version does not use the same implementation of the counter field. Rather than use an ordinary natural Nat, this version uses a byte-sized natural number, type Nat8, whose size is always eight bits.

As such, the inc operation may fail with an overflow for this object but never the prior one, which may instead fill the program’s memory.

Neither implementation of a counter comes without some complexity. In this case, they share a common type.

The common type abstracts the differences in the implementations of the objects, shielding the rest of the application from their implementation details.

Objects types can also have subtypes, allowing an object with a more specific type to pass as an object of a more general type, for example, to pass as an object with fewer fields.

Object and actor classes

Object classes : A family of related objects to perform a task with a customizable initial state. Motoko provides a syntactical construct, called a class definition, which simplifies building objects of the same type and implementation.

Actor classes : An object class that exposes a service using asynchronous behavior. The corresponding Motoko construct is an actor class, which follows a similar but distinct design.

Object classes

In Motoko, an object encapsulates state, and an object class is a package of two entities that share a common name.

Consider this example class for counters that start at zero:

class Counter() {
var c = 0;
public func inc() : Nat {
c += 1;
return c;

The value of this definition is that we can construct new counters, each starting with their own unique state, initially at zero:

let c1 = Counter();
let c2 = Counter();

Each is independent:

let x =;
let y =;
(x, y)

You could achieve the same results by writing a function that returns an object:

func Counter() : { inc : () -> Nat } =
object {
var c = 0;
public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c }

Notice the return type of this constructor function is an object type:

{ inc : () -> Nat }

You may want to name this type such as Counter for use in further type declarations:

type Counter = { inc : () -> Nat };

The class keyword syntax shown above is a shorthand for these two definitions of Counter: a factory function Counter that constructs objects, and the type Counter of these objects. Classes do not provide any new functionality beyond this convenience.

Class constructor

An object class defines a constructor function that may carry zero or more data arguments and zero or more type arguments.

The Counter example above has zero of each. The example below takes two data arguments, arg1 and arg2, with Type1 and Type2 as the types of these arguments, respectively.

class MyClass(arg1: Type1, arg2: Type2) {
// class body here

For example, you can write a Counter class that takes an argument of type Nat and an argument of type Bool:

import Nat "mo:base/Nat";

persistent actor {

class Counter(init : Nat, flag : Bool) {
var c = init;
var f = flag;
public func inc() : Nat {
if f {
c += 1;
return c;


The type arguments, if any, parameterize both the type and the constructor function for the class.

The data arguments, if any, parameterize only the constructor function for the class.

Data arguments

Suppose you want to initialize the counter with some non-zero value. You can supply that value as a data argument to the class constructor:

class Counter(init : Nat) {
var c = init;
public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c };

This parameter is available to all methods. For instance, you can reset the Counter to its initial value, a parameter:

class Counter(init : Nat) {
var c = init;
public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c };
public func reset() { c := init };

Type arguments

Suppose you want the counter to actually carry data that it counts, like a specialized Buffer.

When classes use or contain data of arbitrary type, they carry a type argument. This is equivalent to a type parameter for an unknown type, just as with functions.

The scope of this type parameter covers the entire class with data parameters. As such, the methods of the class can use these type parameters without reintroducing them.

import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";

class Counter<X>(init : Buffer.Buffer<X>) {
var buffer = init.clone();
public func add(x : X) : Nat {

public func reset() {
buffer := init.clone()

Type annotation

The class constructor may also carry a type annotation for its return type. When supplied, Motoko checks that this type annotation is compatible with the body of the class, which is an object definition. This check ensures that each object produced by the constructor meets the supplied specification.

For example, repeat the Counter as a buffer and annotate it with a more general type Accum<X> that permits adding, but not resetting, the counter. This annotation ensures that the objects are compatible with the type Accum<X>.

import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";

type Accum<X> = { add : X -> Nat };

class Counter<X>(init : Buffer.Buffer<X>) : Accum<X> {
var buffer = init.clone();
public func add(x : X) : Nat { buffer.add(x); buffer.size() };
public func reset() { buffer := init.clone() };

Full syntax

Classes are defined by the keyword class, followed by:

  • A name for the constructor and type being defined. For example, Counter.

  • Optional type arguments. For example, omitted, or <X>, or <X, Y>.

  • An argument list. For example, (), or (init : Nat), etc.

  • An optional type annotation for the constructed objects. For example, omitted, or Accum<X>.

  • The class "body" is an object definition, parameterized by the type and value arguments, if any.

The constituents of the body marked public contribute to the resulting objects' type and these types compared against the optional annotation, if given.

Consider the task of walking the bits of a natural Nat number. For this example, you could define the following:

class Bits(n : Nat) {
var state = n;
public func next() : ?Bool {
if (state == 0) { return null };
let prev = state;
state /= 2;
?(state * 2 != prev)

The above class definition is equivalent to the simultaneous definition of a structural type synonym and a factory function, both named Bits:

type Bits = {next : () -> ?Bool};
func Bits(n : Nat) : Bits = object {
// class body

Object combination and extension

Motoko allows you to construct a single object from a simple record and a more complicated object block, while also providing syntax for building new objects from existing ones, adding new fields, or replacing existing fields. The base records and objects are separated by the and keyword and can be followed by with and semicolon-separated additional (or overriden) fields. The bases and fields are enclosed in braces, indicating record formation. When the bases have overlapping fields (according to their types), then a disambiguating field overwrite must be provided. The original bases are never modified; instead, their fields are copied to create a new object, and thus we refer to this as a functional object combination and extension.

Here are some simple examples:

  1. Object combination with and: The and keyword combines two or more objects.
let person = { name = "Alice"; };
let employee = { id = 123; department = "Engineering" };

let employedPerson = { person and employee };
// employeePerson now has: name, id, and department
  1. Object extension with with: The with keyword allows you to add new fields or override existing ones.
let person = { name = "Alice" };

let agedPerson = { person with age = 30 };

// agedPersion now has: name and age
  1. Combining and and with: You can use both and and with together for more complex object manipulations.
let person = { name = "Alice" };
let employee = { id = 123; department = "Engineering" };

let employedPersonWithAge = { person and employee with age = 30 };
// employedPersionWithAge now has: name, id, department and age

Key points to remember:

  • When using and, if there are conflicting field names in the bases, the conflict must be resolved using a with field.
  • The with clause is used to disambiguate field labels, define new fields, override existing fields, add new var fields, or redefine existing var fields to prevent aliasing.
  • You must explicitly override any var fields from base objects to prevent introducing aliases.

This syntax provides a convenient way to create modular and reusable code in Motoko, allowing developers to build complex objects from simpler components and extend existing objects with new functionality.

For more details, see the language manual.
