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System capability

The system capability in Motoko is used to control access to sensitive system functions and prevent potential misuse of these functions. It serves as a safety mechanism to ensure that developers are explicitly aware when they are using or granting access to powerful system-level operations.

Specifically, the system capability is required for calling sensitive functions such as:

  1. ExperimentalCycles.add: This function is used for cycle management, which is crucial for controlling the computational resources on the Internet Computer.

  2. Timer.setTimer: This function is used for scheduling future computations, which can have significant impacts on system resources and behavior.

The introduction of the system capability helps address a security concern where, in previous versions of Motoko, third-party library functions could make silent calls to these sensitive functions without providing any indication to the caller. This could potentially lead to unexpected behavior or resource usage.

By requiring explicit declaration and passing of the system capability, Motoko now ensures that developers are fully aware when they are using or allowing the use of these powerful system functions. This helps prevent accidental misuse and makes the code's intentions clearer, enhancing both security and code readability.

It's important to note that while the system capability allows the use of these sensitive functions, it doesn't automatically grant unlimited access to all system resources. It's a type-level mechanism to control and make explicit the use of specific system functions, rather than a comprehensive permission system.

The system capability was introduced in Motoko version 0.11.0. The key change is the introduction of the system pseudo-type parameter and argument. For instance, ExperimentalCycles.add has been revised from having type Nat -> () to having type <system>Nat -> (), reflecting the new system capability requirement.

To use system capabilities in your code, you must now explicitly declare them when required, and should explicitly supply them when granting permission to a callee.

Functions that need to use system capabilities must include the system pseudo-type parameter. It's important to note that system, if specified, must be the first parameter in function or class declarations.

For example:

func splitCycles<system>() {
let amount = ExperimentalCycles.balance() / 2;
ExperimentalCycles.add(amount); // generates a warning

To suppress warnings about implicit system capability usage, you can explicitly pass the system capability at call sites too:

func splitCycles<system>() {
let amount = ExperimentalCycles.balance() / 2;
ExperimentalCycles.add<system>(amount); // accepted without warning

System capabilities are available in specific contexts, such as within actor expression or actor class bodies, non-query shared functions, asynchronous functions, async expressions, local functions or classes declared with the system pseudo-type parameter, and the preupgrade and postupgrade system functions.

However, they are not available in query methods, composite query methods, or functions that don't declare their need of system capability.

For more details, see the language manual.

For details on migrating code from earlier Motoko versions, see this guide.
