ICP face recognition
This is an ICP smart contract runs face detection and face recognition of user's photo that can be uploaded either from a camera or a local file.
The smart contract consists of two canisters:
- The backend canister embeds the the Tract ONNX inference engine with two ONNX models. One model is used to detect a face in the photo and return its bounding box. Another model is used for computing face embeddings.
- The frontend canister contains the Web assets such as HTML, JS, CSS that are served to the browser.
The smart contract uses two models: one for detecting the face and another for recognizing the face.
Face detection
A face detection model finds the bounding box of a face in the image. You can download Ultraface - ultra-lightweight face detection model - [here].
Alternatively, you can run
Face recognition
A face recognition model computes a vector embedding of an image with a face. You can obtain a pretrained model from facenet-pytorch as follows.
Step 1: Install
: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/installing-packages/.Step 2: Install
pip install facenet-pytorch
pip install torch
pip install onnx
Step 3: Export ONNX model. Start a python shell and run the following commands or create a python file and run it:
import torch
import facenet_pytorch
resnet = facenet_pytorch.InceptionResnetV1(pretrained='vggface2').eval()
input = torch.randn(1, 3, 160, 160)
torch.onnx.export(resnet, input, "face-recognition.onnx", verbose=False, opset_version=11)
Step 4: This should produce
. Copy the file to the root of this repository.
- Install the IC
SDK. For local testing,
dfx >= 0.22.0
is required. - Clone the example dapp project:
git clone https://github.com/dfinity/examples
- Install
: Follow the steps in https://github.com/wasm-forge/wasi2ic and make sure thatwasi2ic
binary is in your$PATH
. - Install
:cargo install wasm-opt
Build the application
dfx start --background
dfx deploy
If the deployment is successful, the it will show the frontend
Open that URL in browser to interact with the smart contract.
Chunk uploading of models
Since the models are large, they cannot be embedded into the Wasm binary of the smart contract. Instead they should be uploaded separately.
DecideAI implemented a tool for incremental uploading of models: https://github.com/modclub-app/ic-file-uploader/tree/main.
You can install the tool with
cargo install ic-file-uploader
Afterwards, execute the upload-models-to-canister.sh
script, which runs the following commands:
dfx canister call backend clear_face_detection_model_bytes
dfx canister call backend clear_face_recognition_model_bytes
ic-file-uploader backend append_face_detection_model_bytes version-RFB-320.onnx
ic-file-uploader backend append_face_recognition_model_bytes face-recognition.onnx
dfx canister call backend setup_models
Thanks to DecideAI for discussions and providing ic-file-uploader.