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Canister benchmarking


Canisters deployed on ICP use resources such as memory and compute. Resources are finite, and there are limits configured that restrict how many resources a canister may consume. The canbench Rust crate provides a way to benchmark a canister's resources so developers can gain an insight into how their canister uses memory, instructions, and other resources.

canbench can be used to provide information such as:

  • Insight into how a canister consumes stable memory, heap memory, and instructions.

  • Detecting possible performance regressions, both locally or on the mainnet.

  • Analyzing performance bottlenecks.

Features of canbench include:

  • Supports benchmarks that are up to 10 trillion instructions.

  • Reports the number of instructions consumed alongside changes to stable and heap memories.

  • Persistence of benchmarking results in your canister's repo.

  • Language agnostic, though initially only support for Rust exists.


You can install canbench using cargo.

cargo install canbench

Add an optional dependency for canbench in your Cargo.toml file:

canbench_rs = { version = "0.1.1", optional = true }

Then, edit the canbench.yml file to point to your canister's Wasm file:

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features canbench-rs


Example benchmark test

Below is an example canister that uses a query function to compute and return the fibonacci sequence of a given number:

fn fibonacci(n: u32) -> u32 {
if n == 0 {
return 0;
} else if n == 1 {
return 1;

let mut a = 0;
let mut b = 1;
let mut result = 0;

for _ in 2..=n {
result = a + b;
a = b;
b = result;


An example benchmark test using canbench for this canister could look like this:

#[cfg(feature = "canbench-rs")]
mod benches {
use super::*;
use canbench_rs::bench;

fn fibonacci_20() {
// NOTE: the result is printed to prevent the compiler from optimizing the call away.
println!("{:?}", fibonacci(20));

The benchmark output of this test would resemble the following:



Benchmark: fibonacci_20 (new)
instructions: 2301 (new)
heap_increase: 0 pages (new)
stable_memory_increase: 0 pages (new)


Executed 1 of 1 benchmarks.

For more examples and information, view the crate's documentation or the GitHub repo for this crate.