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dfx ledger


Use the dfx ledger command to interact with the ledger canister.

This command can be used to make ICP utility token transactions from one canister to another, or top up canisters with cycles from ICP.

The basic syntax for running dfx ledger commands is:

dfx ledger [subcommand] [options]

Depending on the dfx ledger subcommand you specify, additional arguments, options, and flags might apply. For reference information and examples that illustrate using dfx ledger commands, select an appropriate command.

account-idPrints the selected identity’s Account Identifier.
balancePrints the account balance of the user.
create-canisterCreates a canister from ICP.
fabricate-cyclesLocal development only: Fabricate cycles out of thin air and deposit them into the specified canister(s)
helpDisplays usage information message for a specified subcommand.
notifyNotifies the ledger when there is a send transaction to the cycles minting canister.
top-upTops up a canister with cycles minted from ICP.
transferTransfers ICP from the user to the destination Account Identifier.

To view usage information for a specific subcommand, specify the subcommand and the --help flag. For example, to see usage information for dfx ledger transfer, you can run the following command:

dfx ledger transfer --help

dfx ledger account-id

Use the dfx ledger account-id command to display the account identifier associated with the currently-active identity. Like the textual representation of your developer identity principal, the account identifier is derived from your private key and used to represent your identity in the ledger canister. The command can also be used to compute and display the account ids of other principals, canister aliases and subaccounts of your account (also subaccounts derived from principals).

Basic usage

dfx ledger account-id [flag]


You can use the following optional flags with the dfx ledger account-id command.

-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
-V, --versionDisplays version information.
--of-canister <ALIAS>Alias or principal of the canister controlling the account
--of-principal <PRINCIPAL>Principal controlling the account
--subaccount <SUBACCOUNT>Subaccount identifier (64 character long hex string)
--subaccount-of-principal <PRINCIPAL>Principal from which the subaccount identifier is derived.


If you have created more than one identity, check the identity you are currently using by running the dfx identity whoami command or the dfx identity get-principal command. You can then check the account identifier for your currently-selected developer identity by running the following command:

dfx ledger account-id

The following command computes the account identifier controlled by the Subnet Rental Canister and for the subaccount derived from Alice's principal:

dfx ledger account-id --of-canister qvhpv-4qaaa-aaaaa-aaagq-cai --subaccount-from-principal fdsgv-62ihb-nbiqv-xgic5-iefsv-3cscz-tmbzv-63qd5-vh43v-dqfrt-pae

The commands display output similar to the following:


dfx ledger balance

Use the dfx ledger balance command to print your account balance or that of another user.

Basic usage

dfx ledger balance [of] [flag] --network ic


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger balance command.

<of>Specify an Account Identifier to get the balance. If this command is not specified, the command returns the balance of ICP tokens for the currently-selected user identity.


You can use the dfx ledger balance command to check the balance of another user. For example, you can run the following command to see the ICP utlity tokens associated with a known Account Identifier:

dfx ledger balance 03e3d86f29a069c6f2c5c48e01bc084e4ea18ad02b0eec8fccadf4487183c223 --network ic

This command displays an ICP amount similar to the following:

2.49798000 ICP

dfx ledger create-canister

Use the dfx ledger create-canister command to convert ICP tokens to cycles and to register a new canister identifier on the IC.

Basic usage

dfx ledger create-canister <controller> [options]  [flag] --network ic


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger create-canister command.

<controller>Specifies the principal identifier to set as the controller of the new canister.


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger create-canister command.

--amount <amount>Specify the number of ICP tokens to mint into cycles and deposit into destination canister. You can specify an amount as a number with up to eight (8) decimal places.
--e8s <e8s>Specify ICP token fractional units—called e8s—as a whole number, where one e8 is smallest partition of an ICP token. For example, 1.05000000 is 1 ICP and 5000000 e8s. You can use this option on its own or in conjunction with the --icp option.
--fee <fee>Specify a transaction fee. The default is 10000 e8s.
--icp <icp>Specify ICP tokens as a whole number. You can use this option on its own or in conjunction with --e8s.
--max-fee <max-fee>Specify a maximum transaction fee. The default is 10000 e8s.
--subnet-type <subnet-type>Specify the optional subnet type to create the canister on. If no subnet type is provided, the canister will be created on a random default application subnet.
--subnet <subnet-principal>Specify the optional subnet to create the canister on. If no subnet is provided, the canister will be created on a random default application subnet.
--next-to <canister-principal>Create canisters on the same subnet as this canister.
--created-at-time <timestamp>Specify the timestamp-nanoseconds for the created_at_time field on the ledger transfer request. Useful for controlling transaction-de-duplication.


To create a new canister with cycles, transfer ICP tokens from your ledger account by running a command similar to the following:

dfx ledger create-canister tsqwz-udeik-5migd-ehrev-pvoqv-szx2g-akh5s-fkyqc-zy6q7-snav6-uqe --amount 1.25 --network ic

This command converts the number of ICP tokens you specify for the --amount argument into cycles, and associates the cycles with a new canister identifier controlled by the principal you specify.

In this example, the command converts 1.25 ICP tokens into cycles and specifies the principal identifier for the default identity as the controller of the new canister.

If the transaction is successful, the ledger records the event and you should see output similar to the following:

Transfer sent at BlockHeight: 20
Canister created with id: "53zcu-tiaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai"

You can create a new canister by specifying separate values for ICP tokens and e8s by running a command similar to the following:

dfx ledger create-canister tsqwz-udeik-5migd-ehrev-pvoqv-szx2g-akh5s-fkyqc-zy6q7-snav6-uqe --icp 3 --e8s 5000 --network ic

dfx ledger fabricate-cycles

Use the dfx ledger fabricate-cycles add cycles to a canister while developing locally. The cycles are created out of thin air and are not deducted from anywhere.

Basic usage

dfx ledger fabricate-cycles [options]


You can specify the following options for the dfx ledger fabricate-cycles command. If no amount is specified, 10T cycles are used by default.

--allDeposit cycles to all of the canisters configured in the dfx.json file.
--amount <icp>ICP to mint into cycles and deposit into destination canister Can be specified as a Decimal with the fractional portion up to 8 decimal places i.e. 100.012
--canister <canister name/id>Specifies the name or id of the canister to receive the cycles deposit. You must specify either a canister name/id or the --all option.
--cycles <cycles>Specifies the amount of cycles to fabricate.
--e8s <e8s>Specify e8s as a whole number, helpful for use in conjunction with --icp
--icpSpecify ICP as a whole number, helpful for use in conjunction with --e8s
--t <trillion cycles>Specifies the amount of cycles to fabricate in trillion cycles. Only accepts whole numbers.


If you are developing locally and want to add 8T cycles to all your canisters in your procject, you can do so like this:

dfx ledger fabricate-cycles --all --cycles 8000000000000

The command displays output similar to the following:

Fabricating 8000000000000 cycles onto hello_backend
Fabricated 8000000000000 cycles, updated balance: 11_899_662_119_932 cycles

If you would rather only add the cycles to the canister called 'hello' and don't want to type all the zeros, you can do it like this:

dfx ledger fabricate-cycles --canister hello --t 8

The command displays output similar to the following:

Fabricating 8000000000000 cycles onto hello
Fabricated 8000000000000 cycles, updated balance: 11_899_662_119_932 cycles

dfx ledger notify

Use the dfx ledger notify command to notify the ledger about a transaction sent to the cycles minting canister. This command should only be used if dfx ledger create-canister, dfx ledger top-up, or dfx cycles convert successfully sent a message to the ledger, and a transaction was recorded at some block height, but for some reason the subsequent notify failed.

Basic usage

dfx ledger notify [options] _block-height_ _destination-principal_


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger notify command.

<block-height>Specifies the block height at which the send transaction was recorded.
<destination-principal>Specifies the principal of the destination, either a canister identifier or the textual representation of a user principal. If the send transaction was for the create-canister command, specify the controller principal. If the send transaction was for the top-up command, specify the canister ID.


The following example illustrates sending a notify message to the ledger in response to a _send+ transaction that was recorded at the block height 75948.

dfx ledger notify 75948 tsqwz-udeik-5migd-ehrev-pvoqv-szx2g-akh5s-fkyqc-zy6q7-snav6-uqe --network ic

dfx ledger show-subnet-types

Use the dfx ledger show-subnet-types command to list the available subnet types that can be chosen to create a canister on.

Basic usage

dfx ledger show-subnet-types [options] [flag]


You can specify the following options for the dfx ledger show-subnet-types command.

--cycles-minting-canister-id <cycles-minting-canister-id>Canister id of the cycles minting canister. Useful if you want to test locally with a different id for the cycles minting canister.


You can use the dfx ledger show-subnet-types command to list the available subnet types that can be chosen to create a canister on. If a specific cycles minting canister id is not provided, then the mainnet cycles minting canister id will be used.

For example, you can run the following command to get the subnet types available on mainnet:

dfx ledger show-subnet-types

This command displays output similar to the following:

["Type1", "Type2", ..., "TypeN"]

dfx ledger top-up

Use the dfx ledger top-up command to top up a canister with cycles minted from ICP tokens.

Basic usage

dfx ledger top-up [options] canister [flag] --network ic


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger top-up command.

canisterSpecifies the canister identifier or name that you would like to top up.


You can specify the following options for the dfx ledger top-up command.

--amount <amount>Specifies the number of ICP tokens to mint into cycles and deposit into the destination canister. You can specify the amount as a number with up to eight (8) decimal places.
--e8s <e8s>Specifies fractional units of an ICP token—called e8s—as a whole number, where one e8 is the smallest unit of an ICP token. For example, 1.05000000 is 1 ICP and 5000000 e8s. You can use this option on its own or in conjunction with the --icp option.
--fee <fee>Specifies the transaction fee for the operation. The default is 10000 e8s.
--icp <icp>Specifies ICP tokens as a whole number. You can use this option on its own or in conjunction with --e8s.
--max-fee <max-fee>Specifies a maximum transaction fee. The default is 10000 e8s.
--created-at-time <timestamp>Specify the timestamp-nanoseconds for the created_at_time field on the ledger transfer request. Useful for controlling transaction-de-duplication.


You can use the dfx ledger top-up command to top up the cycles of a specific canister from the balance of ICP tokens you control. The canister identifier must be associated with a cycles wallet canister that is able to receive cycles. Alternatively, you can modify a non-cycles wallet canister to implement a method to receive cycles using system APIs described in the Internet Computer Interface Specification.

For example, you can run the following command to top-up a cycles wallet canister deployed on the Internet Computer with 1 ICP worth of cycles:

dfx ledger top-up --icp 1 5a46r-jqaaa-aaaaa-qaadq-cai --network ic

This command displays output similar to the following:

Transfer sent at BlockHeight: 59482
Canister was topped up!

dfx ledger transfer

Use the dfx ledger transfer command to transfer ICP tokens from your account address in the ledger canister to a destination address.

Basic usage

dfx ledger transfer [options] to --memo memo


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger transfer command.

<to>Specify the Account Identifier or address to which you want to transfer ICP tokens.
--memo <memo>Specifies a numeric memo for this transaction.


You can specify the following argument for the dfx ledger transfer command.

--amount <amount>Specifies the number of ICP tokens to transfer. Can be specified as a number with up to eight (8) decimal places.
--e8s <e8s>Specifies e8s as a whole number, where one e8 is smallest partition of an ICP token. For example, 1.05000000 is 1 ICP and 5000000 e8s. You can use this option alone or in conjunction with the --icp option.
--fee <fee>Specifies a transaction fee. The default is 10000 e8s.
--icp <icp>Specifies ICP as a whole number. You can use this option alone or in conjunction with --e8s.
--created-at-time <timestamp>Specify the timestamp-nanoseconds for the created_at_time field on the ledger transfer request. Useful for controlling transaction-de-duplication.


You can use the dfx ledger transfer command to send ICP to the Account Identifier of the destination.

For example, you can run the following command to check the account identifier associated with the principal you are currently using:

dfx ledger account-id

This command displays output similar to the following:


You can check the balance of this account by running the following command:

dfx ledger balance --network ic

This command displays output similar to the following:

64.89580000 ICP

Use the dfx ledger transfer command to send some of your ICP balance to another known destination using the following command:

dfx ledger transfer dd81336dbfef5c5870e84b48405c7b229c07ad999fdcacb85b9b9850bd60766f --memo 12345 --icp 1 --network ic

This command displays output similar to the following:

Transfer sent at BlockHeight: 59513

You can then use the dfx ledger balance --network ic command to check that your account balance reflects the transaction you just made.