Content of this directory
The two files in this directory were generated by running
wasm-pack build --target web --release
in the package root of a clone of the git repository containing the vetKD user library ( Note that wasm-pack
outputs the
files into a pkg/
See also
Ideally we would simply use the vetKD user library via an npm package (which .tgz can easily be created by first running wasm-pack build --target bundler --release
and then running wasm-pack pack
; see also, but unfortunately the rollup bundler doesn't seem to support this kind of package yet (only the webpack bundler seems to work currently) because with the entry
"ic-vetkd": "file:vetkd_user_lib/ic-vetkd-0.1.0.tgz",
in the dependencies
section in package.json
, we run into the following runtime error
TypeError: wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer is not a function
Maybe in the future rollup will support npm packages, but as of now this doesn't seem to be the case.