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Internet Identity integration sample

This example derives from the internet_identity_integration demo with some modifications, please read its README before continue.


This example shows a use case to support login with the two delegations on the DelegationChain.

As we described in Internet Identity Integration, users can log in with II from the game. Usually what they do is

  1. Generate the Ed25519KeyIdentity supported by ICP.NET in the Unity game.
  2. For security purposes, only pass the public key of the Ed25519KeyIdentity to the Web browser for login. And only the public key is necessary when creating a DelegationChain.
  3. In index.js, we describe how to
    • log in with Internet Identity with the frontend generated session key
    • retrieve the public key of the Ed25519Identity from the URL parameter and create another delegation with it.

With this, users don't need to pass the private key around, also they don't need to store the private key outside of the game as they can regenerate the key pairs for every session.


If you never work on the IC and don't know how to deploy a dapp, please refer to the Hello World sample to learn the basic knowledge about the IC.

Set up the apple-app-site-association file

In order to support iOS Universal Links, the website needs to serve an apple-app-site-association file under the .well-known directory. The apple-app-site-association file contains the app bundle id, team id etc., which will be used by the app installer to verify the domains in the entitlements file. This is an example of an apple-app-site-association file in this sample.

For how to generate an apple-app-site-association file, please refer to the Associated domain file document.

One thing to remind is .well-known folder will be ignored while deploying to the IC, please add a .ic-assets.json file insider a directory listed in sources in the dfx.json file, with the below content.

"match": ".well-known",
"ignore": false

Here is an example of .ic-assets.json in this sample.

Deploy the Dapp

Once you set up the IC development environment locally and update the example as you want, you can follow the below steps to deploy to the IC mainnet.

  1. Enter the ii_integration_dapp directory from the command line
  2. Run npm install to install the npm packages
  3. Run dfx start --background
  4. Run dfx deploy --network=ic --with-cycles=1000000000000
    Here we recommend deploying the dapp to the IC mainnet as it's easier to access it from your iOS devices.