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Using an ICRC-1 ledger


There are three primary methods used to interact with an ICRC-1 ledger:

  • dfx canister: The generic canister call from dfx used to call a canister's methods.

  • ic-cdk: Inter-canister calls for the ICRC-1 ledger.

  • ledger-icrc-js: A library for interfacing with an ICRC-1 ledger on the Internet Computer.

Interact with an ICRC-1 canister using dfx canister call


Use the following command syntax to interact with an ICRC-1 ledger via dfx canister:

dfx canister call <canister-id> <method-name> <arguments>

For example, to fetch the token symbol of an ICRC-1 ledger, call the icrc1_symbol method:

dfx canister call ss2fx-dyaaa-aaaar-qacoq-cai icrc1_symbol '()'

Whether your ICRC-1 ledger will have all available methods enabled will depend on if you choose to support any of the extensions of ICRC-1 (ICRC-2, ICRC-3,...).

You can always check which standards are supported by a certain ICRC-1 ledger by calling:

dfx canister call <canister-id> icrc1_supported_standards '()'

You can find all available methods for your ICRC-1 ledger within the ICRC-1 ledger canister's Candid file or, if your ICRC-1 ledger has been deployed to the mainnet, view your ICRC-1 ledger canister on the dashboard. An example of an ICRC-1 ledger deployed on the mainnet that you can reference is the ckETH ledger canister.

View the dfx canister call documentation for more information on calling canister methods.


For ledgers that support ICRC-2, you can call ICRC-2 methods. ICRC-2 methods include those for approve workflows. For specifics, see the ICRC-2 standard.

View the dfx canister call documentation for more information on calling canister methods.

Interacting with an ICRC-1 ledger from your web application (ledger-icrc-js)

View references and examples on how to use the ledger-icrc-js library to interact with ICRC-1 ledgers.

Interacting with an ICRC-1 ledger from another canister (inter-canister calls via ic-cdk)

When calling into arbitrary ICRC-1 ledgers, we recommend you use bounded wait (aka best-effort response) calls. These calls ensure that your canister does not get stuck waiting for a response from the ledger.

Here sample code to fetch the transfer fee from an ICRC-1 ledger using Rust and the ic-cdk library from within a canister. The example includes retry logic to handle errors when possible.

pub enum GetFeeError {
/// The ledger didn't implement the ICRC-1 API correctly, e.g., returning an invalid response.
/// A CDK CallError that we cannot recover from synchronously.

/// Obtain the fee that the ledger canister charges for a transfer.
/// This functiuon will keep retrying to fetch the fees for as long possible, and for as long as the
/// `should_retry` predicate returns true. Note that using a predicate that just always returns
/// `true` can keep your canister in a retry loop, and potentially unable to upgrade. The
/// recommended way is to set a limit on the number of retries, use a timeout, or abort when the
/// caller canister enters the stopping state.
pub async fn icrc1_get_fee<P>(ledger: Principal, should_retry: &P) -> Result<NumTokens, GetFeeError>
P: Fn() -> bool,
loop {
match Call::bounded_wait(ledger, "icrc1_fee").await {
Ok(res) => match res.candid() {
Ok(fee) => return Ok(fee),
Err(msg) => {
return Err(GetFeeError::Icrc1ApiViolation(format!(
"Unable to decode the fee: {:?}; failed with error {:?}",
res, msg
// The system rejected our call, but it is possible to retry immediately.
// Since obtaining the fees is idempotent, it's always safe to retry.
Err(err) if err.is_immediately_retryable() && should_retry() => continue,
// The system rejected our call, but it is not possible to retry immediately.
Err(err) => return Err(GetFeeError::FatalCallError(err)),

Here's sample code for transferring ICRC-1 ledger tokens using bounded wait response calls. It handles the unknown state case by using the transaction deduplication feature of ICRC-1 ledgers. However, if the transaction keeps failing beyond the deduplication window, the transaction state will be unknown and you will need to perform manual recovery.

pub enum TransferErrorCause {

pub enum Icrc1TransferError {
// The transfer didn't happen.
// The transfer may have happened.

/// Transfer the tokens on the specified ledger. The caller must ensure that:
/// 1. The `created_at` time of the `TransferArg` is set.
/// 2. The transaction described by the `TransferArg` has not yet been executed by the ledger.
/// Otherwise, the function may return `Ok` even if the transfer didn't happen.
pub async fn icrc1_transfer<P>(
ledger: Principal,
arg: TransferArg,
should_retry: &P,
) -> Result<BlockIndex, Icrc1TransferError>
P: Fn() -> bool,
"The created_at_time must be set in the TransferArg"

let mut no_unknowns = true;
loop {
match Call::bounded_wait(ledger, "icrc1_transfer")
// Use the longest timeout supported by the system, as we'll retry later anyways.
Ok(res) => match res.candid() {
Ok(Ok(i)) => return Ok(i),
Ok(Err(e)) => match e {
// Since the assumption is that the transaction didn't happen before the call,
// treat a duplicate error as a success.
TransferError::Duplicate { duplicate_of } => return Ok(duplicate_of),
e if no_unknowns => {
return Err(Icrc1TransferError::TransferFailed(
// Unknown state. To recover, you can query the ledger blocks to see if the
// transaction was executed.
e => {
return Err(Icrc1TransferError::UnknownState(
Err(e) => {
return Err(Icrc1TransferError::TransferFailed(
// Since the ICRC1 transfer is idempotent, it's always safe to retry.
Err(e) if e.is_immediately_retryable() && should_retry() => {
// If the reject wasn't clean, mark the state as unknown.
if !e.is_clean_reject() {
no_unknowns = false;
Err(e) if e.is_clean_reject() && no_unknowns => {
return Err(Icrc1TransferError::TransferFailed(
Err(e) => {
return Err(Icrc1TransferError::UnknownState(

You can find all available methods for your ICRC-1 ledger within the ICRC-1 ledger canister's Candid file or, if your ICRC-1 ledger has been deployed to the mainnet, view your ICRC-1 ledger canister on the dashboard. An example of an ICRC-1 ledger deployed on the mainnet that you can reference is the ckETH ledger canister.

icrc-ledger-types Rust crate

To interact with the ICRC-1 and ICRC-2 endpoints, the Rust crate icrc-ledger-types can be used. This is true for the ICP ledger as well as any other canister that supports ICRC-1 or any of the ICRC-1 extension standards (i.e., ICRC-2, ICRC-3,...).

The crate can be installed with the command:

cargo add icrc-ledger-types

Or, it can be added to the Cargo.toml file:

icrc-ledger-types = "0.1.1"

View the documentation for this crate.