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Mops packages for utility functions

Mops is an on-chain package manager for Motoko. Here are some Mops packages for utility functions:

  • backup: Library for backup restore.

  • bench: Benchmarking library.

  • datetime: DateTime values and manipulation.

  • ekvm: Infinitely scalable elastic key-value store.

  • fuzz: Random data generation.

  • itertools: Utility functions and data types for creating efficient iterators.

  • lru-cache: Least recently used cache implementation.

  • A library for JSON formatting.

  • math: Linear algebra and mathematical calculus library.

  • make-rules: Library for using GNU make.

  • motoko-crc: Cyclic redundancy checks for Motoko.

  • neuro: Basic staking and neuron management.

  • passport-client: Use Gitcoin Passport anti-Sybil information.

  • prng: Statistical pseudo-random number generators.

  • random: Generate random data.

  • random-class: Random number generator objects.

  • tecdsa: Generate and manage tECDSA identities.

  • test: Motoko testing library.

  • time: Timestamps in nano, micro, millis, and seconds to string date or DateType.

  • time-consts: Time constants for Motoko.

  • utilities: Class objects.

  • uuid: Universally unique identifier library.

  • xtended-numbers: Extended functionality for number types, such as byte encoding.

  • xtended-text: Text manipulation.
