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Phone book

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This example demonstrates a phone book application that is accessible from your web browser.

The application is built from the following Motoko source code files:

  • index.jsx: contains the JavaScript, React, and HTML used to generate the front-end user interface for the application when it is launched in a web browser.
  • contains the actor definition and methods exposed by this canister.

This is a Motoko example that does not currently have a Rust variant.


This example requires an installation of:

  • Install the IC SDK.
  • Install Node.js.
  • Clone the example dapp project: git clone

Begin by opening a terminal window.

Step 1: Navigate into the folder containing the project's files and start a local instance of the replica with the command:

cd examples/motoko/phone-book
dfx start --background

Step 2: Install front-end dependencies:

npm install

Step 3: Deploy the canister:

dfx deploy

Step 4: Take note of the URL at which the phone book is accessible.

echo "$(dfx canister id www)"

Step 5: Open the aforementioned URL in your web browser.

You will see an interface that you can interact with to store phone book entries.